(浙江省海宁市人民医院呼吸二科? 浙江海宁 314400)
【中图分类号】 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2015)24-0008-02
Long-term oxygen cure family nursing intervention in patients with COPD
Yao Chunyu, Lv Juanmei. Haining People's Hospital, Zhejiang Province, Haining 314400, China
【Abstract】Long-term home oxygen therapy (LTOT) for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients in the rehabilitation effect of more and more get the attention of people, it is an important remission in the COPD patients were treatment measures. But because most patients to disease and the lack of oxygen cure cognition that LTOT application has certain error, in this paper, the present situation and the corresponding nursing intervention measures of LTOT.
【Key words】Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Long-term home oxygen therapy; nursing
动脉压力持续增高等生理功能紊乱。近年来,随着人口逐渐老龄化,以及大气污染加剧、吸烟等的影响,COPD和肺源性心脏病的发病率呈上升趋势,WHO资料显示COPD已成为目前全球第4位原因[2]。COPD患者住院治疗可改善症状和控制病情发展,但目前认为长期家庭氧疗(long-term oxygen therapy,LTOT)是最能影响慢性阻塞性肺疾病预后的治疗方法之一[3]。LTDOT是指极重度COPD患者脱离医院环境后,返回社会或家庭而施行的长期氧疗,每日吸氧≥15h,使动脉血氧分压达到8.
COPD患者长期家庭氧疗的护理干预 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.