欣母沛联合益母草预防子痫前期剖宫产后出血的疗效评价 (北京市怀柔区妇幼保健院,北京,101400) 摘要目的:探讨欣母沛注射液联合益母草注射液预防子痫前期剖宫产后出血的临床疗效及安全性。方法:104例宫缩乏力性子痫前期剖宫产产妇随机分为研究组与对照组各52例。研究组胎儿娩出后予欣母沛联合益母草治疗,对照组予缩宫素治疗。观察两组产后出血情况及药物不良反应。结果:研究组产后2 h及产后24 h出血量均低于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<);两组之间年龄、孕周、产次均无统计学意义(P>);两组药物不良反应的差异无统计学意义(P>)。结论:欣母沛注射液联合益母草注射液是防治子痫前期剖宫产后出血的有效方法,安全性高,适于临床应用。 关键词欣母沛;益母草;子痫前期;产后出血 Therapeutic evaluation of Postpartum hemorrhage by Carboprost tromethamine and Motherwort Injection in Preeclampsia QIU qiu-ming,DU zhao-min,DAI sheng (Maternal and child health hospital of Beijing Huairou, Beijing 101400,China) Abstract Objective :Exploring the therapeutic evaluation and safety of postpartum hemorrhage by Carboprost tromethamine and Motherwort Injection in preeclampsia .Methods 102 cases of preeclampsia woman were randomly divided into2groups,54 cases in research group were treated with Carboprost tromethamine and Motherwort Injection,54 cases in control group were treated with oxytocin. The two groups were observed the occurrence of postpartum hemorrhage and The amount of bleeding postpartum research group 2H and 24h were significantly lower than those of control group (P<).There was no significant differencein in mean age,gestational weeks and delivery times among two groups(P>).In same way,Adverse drug pared in two groups was no significant differencein (P>). Conclusion C