甲基强的松龙注射液联合硫酸镁注射液治疗哮喘的临床应用 杨常宏 湖南省湘西自治州人民医院湖南吉首 416000 【摘要】目的:研究甲基强的松龙注射液联合硫酸镁注射液治疗哮喘的临床应用效果。方法:试验对象:我院2014年2月-2016年1月收治的83例哮喘患者。患者分组方法:编号单双数方法。83例患者分为J组和J+L组两个组别。两组均采取常规疗法,同时,J组加甲基强的松龙注射液治疗;J+L组用甲基强的松龙注射液联合硫酸镁注射液治疗。观察指标:(1)哮喘控制率;(2)治疗前和治疗后患者FEV1、PEF、FVC的差异。结果:(1)J+L组相比于J组哮喘控制率更高,X2检验结果P<;(2)治疗前两组FEV1、PEF、FVC相似,t检验结果P>;治疗后J+L组相比于J组FEV1、PEF、FVC改善更显著,t检验结果P<。结论:甲基强的松龙注射液联合硫酸镁注射液治疗哮喘的临床应用效果确切,可有效控制哮喘,改善肺通气功能,值得推广。 【关键词】甲基强的松龙注射液;硫酸镁注射液;哮喘;临床应用效果 【abstract】objective:to study the methyl prednisolone bined clinical application effect of magnesium sulfate injection treatment of asthma. Methods:the test object:our hospital in February 2014-2016 of 83 cases of asthma patients admitted in January. Grouping method:patients with Numbers and odd number method. 83 patients were divided into J and J + L group two groups. Two groups of the conventional therapy is adopted,at the same time,J add methyl prednisolone injection treatment group;J + L group treated with methyl prednisolone bined magnesium sulfate injection. Observation indexes:(1)the asthma control;(2)before and after treatment in patients with FEV1,PEF,the difference between FVC. Results:(1)J + L group asthma control rates higher than J group,X2 test results (P < ;(2)the two groups before treatment FEV1,PEF,FVC,P > t test results;J + L group after pared with FEV1,PEF,FVC J group improved more si