第 19 卷第 3 期计算机辅助工程 Vol. 19 No. 3 2010 年 9 puter Aided Engineering Sept. 2010 文章编号1006 - 0871201003-0101-05 考虑可靠性和鲁棒性的机械接头有限元设计优化 毛力奋 西希安工程模拟软件上海有限公司,上海 200032 摘要为从实际工程角度获得最优的产品设计方案,对考虑应力约束条件下最优结构参数配置 的机械接头进行有限元结构优化. 以 Abaqus 为有限元计算软件,寻找出在应力约束条件下的理论 值通过 OPTIMUS 软件进行最优结构参数配置,并考虑结构加工制造公差和材料性能波动所产生 的可靠性和鲁棒性因素,分析并重新进行结构的参数设计. 示例表明该方法具有一定的参考价值. 关键词机械接头优化可靠性鲁棒性有限元分析 中图分类号 TH126TB115 文献标志码 A Finite element design optimization on mechanical joint considering reliability and robustness MAO Lifen CCA Eng. Simulation SoftwareShanghai Co. Ltd. ,Shanghai 200032,China Abstract To obtain the optimal product design from the engineering point of view,finite element structural optimization is performed on mechanical joints considering optimal structural parameter configuration under stress constraints. A theoretical result is obtained by finite putation software Abaqus considering the reliability and robustness generated by manufacturing tolerances and material property fluctuations,the structure parameters are analyzed and redesigned to perform the optimal structural parameter configuration by OPTIMUS. An example shows that the method has some practical value. Key words mechanical joint optimization reliability robustness finite element analysis 在分析中引入不确定因素,即考虑输入参 引言 CAE 0 数的分布状况,可评估将要设计的产品的可靠性 传统机械接头的 CAE 都基于确定性分析,即 1 失效概率最小以及鲁棒性性能波动最小,也称 组输