南水北调中线引江济汉工程对血吸虫病传播风险评估及干预措施.pdf2010225ChinJ Schisto Control ,琋 415 []1005-6661(2010)05-0415-05 ·论著· 南水北调中线引江济汉工程对血吸虫病 传播风险评估及干预措施 + R猐目的评价南水北调中线引江济汉水利丁程可能对血吸虫病传播造成的风险,提出工程建设中控制血吸虫病 3() 开展漂浮物观测实验与船只携带钉螺现场调查。结果在引江济汉水利工程区存在引水、输水、供水及航运等引起钉螺 4 I 吸虫病传播的风险因素,但只要在工程建设中采取相应的干预措施,叮将风险降到最低限度。 [南水北调工程;引江济汉上程;血吸虫病;风险评估;干预措施 [1153221 【文献标识码】 A the Water Project the Yangtze River Han River the 畉甆 Water Diversion Project and Zhu , , Xing-jian Institute ofSchistosomiasis 琀 Centerfor Disease Control and PreventionWuhan430079China
the Objective potential the Water Project the Yangtze River Han River the 猼狽 Water Diversion Project schistosomiasis transmissionandput the for control schistosomiasis the 甅 The information the the the situation schistosomiasis 3 the project 琣 endemic cities(countiesdistricts)of years Was .瑃 floater the Yangtze River neu'the惴琣 the boats the 甊 There major risks could the project , water 瑆 deliverywater and shippingSeveralcontrol interventions including 瑂 pools and floater-sstandardizingthe treatment snail , strengthening project , put forward the schistosomiasis . Conclusions The development the Water Project the Yangtze River Han River may the schistosomiasis transmissionbutthe Can reduced minimum effective are implemented the project words]Southto-NorthWater Diversion 籛 Project the Yangtze River Han RiverSchistoso- ; ; measu