目录 摘要: 1 关键词: 1 ABSTRACT:. 1 KEYWORDS: 2 1前言 2 论文研究的背景 2 论文研究的内容及思路方法 3 论文研究的意义 4 2土地集约利用的内涵及相关理论研究 6 土地集约利用的内涵研究 6 国内外土地集约利用的研究历程 7 8 10 10 10 11 4 案例分析—以潍坊滨海开发区为例 11 开发区状况 11 土地利用状况调查 12 土地利用状况调查内容 12 调查结果及分析 12 土地集约利用评价 18 确定评价指标 18 指标现状值计算 20 21 24 26 评价结果分析 27 31 39 5 参考文献 44 6致谢 错误!未定义书签。 CONTENTS Abstract…………………………………………....................…………………1 Key words……………………………………...……………………….…….... 1 ABSTRACT…………………………...……………………………….…..……1 KEYWORDS………………………………………………………….………...2 1 Introduction …………………………………………………………….……..2 Research background papers …………………………………….………….2 research papers and the idea of Method ……………………………………3 Significance of research papers ……………………………………..………4 2 the meaning of Land Use and related theoretical studies……………….…….6 The meaning of Land Use Research ……………………………….……….6 Land Use home study course of …………………………………….……..7 Land Use internal evaluation theories …………………………….……….8 3. Evaluation of Land Use Development Zone Principle ……………..……….10 Evaluation of the principle of ………………………………………..…….10 Evaluation of the work system…………………………………….……… 10 Evaluation of the technical steps of ……………………………….………11 4 Case Study - A Case Study in Weifang Development Zone ……………..….11 Development status…..…………………………………………….………11 Land Use Survey ………………………………………………….……….12 Land Use Survey of the contents …………………………….………….12 Analysis of the findings ……………………………………….………...12 Evaluation of Land Use ………………………………………..…………..18 Evaluation of indicators to identify ……………………………..……….18 In terms of the status indicators …………………………………..……...20 Determination of the ideal value o…………………………….…………21 Determination of the