【托福写作范文】托福写作高分范文-实地考察对孩子的教育很重要 对于托福备考来说,想要提升自己的成绩充分的备考时间和方法是比不可少的。而对于中国考生而言,在托福写作中,所缺少的并是词汇量和句型掌握,而更多的是逻辑思维的运用和展开。那么,相信在以下一些满分范例的阅读中就会为大家带来不少的备考灵感。 托福写作题目 Some people think that it is an important part of a child’s education to go on a field trip (for example, museums), other people think a child’s time is better spent learning in a classroom at school. Which do you prefer? 有人认为实地考察对孩子的教育很重要,例如去博物馆,而另一些人认为孩子最好在教室里学习,你更认同哪种观点? 托福写作范文 I would never suggest that students do their learning entirely through field trips, but I think field trips are an indispensable part of learning. First of all, field trips can make children more enthusiastic about learning. Few children look forward to sitting in a classroom all day listening to lectures, regardless of how interesting the material might be. Field trips do two things to make learning more palatable to kids: they provide a break from the monotony of class, and they give children an opportunity to absorb information in more direct and interesting ways. Trips to science museums are a good example. Instead of reading about s, kids can see s projected in vivid color in a arium. Instead of reading about sound waves, they can see how sound travels through a series of tubes. Second of all, classroom learning does not prepare people for the real world. Someone who does well studying a subject in class doesn’t