【答案】:B 18、有一个用数组 C[1..m]表示的环形队列,m 为数组的长度。假设 f 为队头元素在数组中的位置,r 为队尾元素的后一位置(按顺时针方向)。若队列非空,则计算队列中元素个数的公式应为( )。 A.(m+r-f)mod m -f C.(m-r+f)mod m D.(m-r-f) mod m 【答案】:A 19、假定一台计算机的显示存储器用DRAM芯片实现,若要求显示分辨率为1600*1200,颜色深度为24位,帧频为85Hz,显示总带宽的50%用来刷新屏幕,则需要的显存总带宽至少约为( )。
【答案】:A 30、BGP runs over a reliable transport ( ). This eliminates the need to implement explicit update fragmentation, retransmission, acknowledgement, and ( ). Any authentication scheme used by the transport protocol may be used in addition to BGP's own ( )mechanisms. The error notification mechanism used in BGP ( )that the transport protocol supports a “graceful” close, ., that all outstanding data will be delivered (请作答此空)the connection is closed.