该【滨海山地居住区布局研究——以大连市琥珀湾住区(石槽渔夫码头A区项目)为例 】是由【niuwk】上传分享,文档一共【5】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【滨海山地居住区布局研究——以大连市琥珀湾住区(石槽渔夫码头A区项目)为例 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。滨海山地居住区布局研究——以大连市琥珀湾住区(石槽渔夫码头A区项目)为例
(1) 该项目的滨海山地居住区布局存在着一些问题,如居住面积过小、交通不便等。
(2) 该项目的优势在于其独特的地理环境和生态资源,以及便利的公共设施和社区配套。
(3) 为改善该项目的布局,应考虑增加居住面积、改善交通条件,完善社区配套设施等措施。
(1) 增加居住面积:根据居民的实际需求,适当增加居住面积,提高居住舒适度。
(2) 改善交通条件:完善周边道路和交通网络,提供便捷的出行方式,解决交通拥堵问题。
(3) 完善社区配套设施:建设公园、健身设施等公共设施,提供便利的生活环境。
Abstract: With the continuous progress of urbanization, the planning and layout of coastal mountain residential areas have become an important topic. This paper takes the Amber Bay residential area (Shicao Fisherman's Wharf A district project) in Dalian City as an example to study the layout of coastal mountain residential areas. Through field investigations and data collection of the project, the advantages, disadvantages and problems are analyzed, and corresponding improvement measures are proposed, with the aim of providing reference for the planning and layout of coastal mountain residential areas.
Keywords: Coastal mountain residential area; layout; Amber Bay residential area; Shicao Fisherman's Wharf A district project
1. Introduction
With the development of economy and population growth, the planning and layout of coastal mountain residential areas have become an important issue. Coastal mountain residential areas have unique geographical environments and ecological resources, but they also face many challenges and problems. This paper takes the Amber Bay residential area (Shicao Fisherman's Wharf A district project) in Dalian City as an example to study the layout of coastal mountain residential areas, aiming to provide practical reference and guidance for the planning and layout of coastal mountain residential areas.
2. Research status and significance
At present, domestic and foreign research on coastal mountain residential areas mainly focuses on environmental impact, ecological protection, and planning and design. However, there is relatively little research on the layout of coastal mountain residential areas, especially in terms of practical experience and case analysis. Therefore, the significance of this research is to fill this research gap and provide practical reference and guidance for the planning and layout of coastal mountain residential areas.
3. Research methods
This study adopts a combination of field investigations and data collection. Firstly, field investigations are conducted on the Amber Bay residential area (Shicao Fisherman's Wharf A district project) to understand its current layout and existing problems. Then, relevant literature and data are collected to analyze the advantages, disadvantages, and influencing factors. Finally, corresponding improvement measures are proposed to improve the layout quality of the coastal mountain residential area.
4. Research conclusions
Through the study of the Amber Bay residential area (Shicao Fisherman's Wharf A district project), the following conclusions are drawn:
(1) There are some problems in the layout of the coastal mountain residential area of the project, such as small residential area and inconvenient transportation.
(2) The advantages of the project lie in its unique geographical environment and ecological resources, as well as convenient public facilities and community support.
(3) In order to improve the layout of the project, measures such as increasing the residential area, improving the transportation conditions, and improving community supporting facilities should be taken.
5. Improvement measures
Based on the above conclusions, the following improvement measures are proposed:
(1) Increase the residential area: According to the actual needs of residents, appropriately increase the residential area to improve living comfort.
(2) Improve transportation conditions: Improve the surrounding roads and transportation network, provide convenient modes of travel, and solve traffic congestion problems.
(3) Improve community supporting facilities: Build public facilities such as parks and fitness facilities to provide a convenient living environment.
6. Limitations and prospects of the research
This study mainly focuses on the case study of the Amber Bay residential area (Shicao Fisherman's Wharf A district project) in Dalian City, and does not involve the layout analysis of other coastal mountain residential areas. Future research can expand the research scope, compare coastal mountain residential areas in different regions, and improve the comprehensiveness and applicability of the research.
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滨海山地居住区布局研究——以大连市琥珀湾住区(石槽渔夫码头A区项目)为例 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.