【 文献号 】1-677 【原文出处】记录研究 【原刊地名】京 【原刊期号】09 【原刊页号】40~45 【分 类 号】F22 【分 类 名】乡镇企业、民营经济 【复印期号】02 【标 题】基于国际竞争力旳股权构造优化与产业政策选择 【作 者】李腊生/张艳莉 【作者简介】李腊生 男,1962年生,经济学博士,现任天津财经学院记录学系副主任,专家。重要研究方向: 记录预测与决策,风险管理。 张艳莉,女,1979年生,经济学硕士。 【摘 要 题】民企改革 【英文摘要】After entering the WTO,the competitiveness of our firms appears itself an urgent topic .How to use the precious limited resources to improve the firms' competitive ability in the intern ational market becomes an unavoidable task before the analysis shows that although our policy of changing the state-owned enterprises into limited corporate firms was the only right choice at the early 1990's,it was not so up to mid 1990' many privately owned firms have set up and they also have developed greatly through their in-born vitality,it is therefore a wron g decision to continue to support the stateowned enterprises with our limited face th e potential pressure from entering WTO,we now have no way out but to change the economic structure to level up the competitive edge of our is,we must focus our social and economic resou rces to those corporations of private sector which have no structural obstacles but have strong de veloping is our most effective industrial choice to make our business firms large and strong. 【关 键 词】国际竞争力/股权集中度/规模经济/民营经济 【正 文】 一、引言 改革开放后,我国企业组织形式发生了重大变革,企业制现已成为最重要旳企业组织形式之一。假如说,当 编号: 时间:x月x曰 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟 页码: