一、作业类型(融合性作业)闯关得积分,共100分 (一)参照翼课网趣味配音《毒液:致命守护者》(共10分) We can not just hurt into my eyes, Eddie. The wayIsee it. We do whatever we we have a deal? Eyes, lungs, pancreas. So many snacks, so little time. That power. It's not completely awful. You have no idea how much you are scaring me right , cooperate. And you just might survive. Guys, you do not want to do this. Trust me. Giant leaps, will always come, at a cost. (阅读后得5分) 这部电影讲述了一位深受观众喜爱的新闻记者艾迪,他和女 友相恋多年,彼此之间情感要好。安妮是一名律师,接手了生命基 金会的案件,在女友的邮箱里 ,艾迪发现了基金会老板德雷克不为 人知的秘密。因此艾迪不仅丢了工作,也失去了女友。后来生命基 金会的朵拉博士希望艾迪能够帮助她阻止德雷克疯狂的罪行。艾迪 在实验室发现了德雷克进行人体实验的证据 ,并且不慎被外星生命 体毒液附身。回家后艾迪和毒液形成了共生关系,他们勇敢机智的 应对德雷克一波又一波的杀手。 ,理解大意 (5分) : . 以家为家,以乡为乡,以国为国,以天下为天下。——《管子》
(二)积累片段词汇,大声朗读记忆并造句:(每个词汇2分,共 2 0 分 ) hurt people 伤 害人们
(四)完形填空(本题共10题,每题1分,共10分) Jim Smith is a poor day she was very cold and 1 he came to a house and asked a young 2 o nly for a glass of water. The lady was so 3 that she gave him a large glass of hot milk.
I pay you?”
the bottom of his heart. Years later, Jim became a 5 . One day, a woman was sent to a hospital . She was badly ill . He recognised(认出)her 6 Then Jim decided to try his best to her life.
The operation( 手术 ) was successful, 8 the cost was high. After looking at the woman's bill, Jim 9 s omething on it. When the woman got the bill, she didn't dare(敢) to look at : . 以家为家,以乡为乡,以国为国,以天下为天下。——《管子》 it. However, something on the side of the bill caught her attention. She began to 10 the following words: Paid in full for one glass of milk. 1.
. woman B. man
4. A. thanked
B. forgot C. missed D. understood
. teacher B. worker C. doctor : . 以家为家,以乡为乡,以国为国,以天下为天下。——《管子》