摘要: 犯罪目的与犯罪动机乃刑法中定罪量刑重要的依据,我国刑法对某些具体犯罪规定的特定犯罪目的实质上就是犯罪动机。目的犯之“目的”通常超出了犯罪犯罪故意的范围,与构成要件性故意具有不同的性质,认识的对象超出了作为犯罪事实的构成要件的主观性要素的范围,属于更深层次的心理状态。因此所谓目的犯,本人认为是指刑法规定以行为人主观上具有特定的犯罪目的作为犯罪构成要件的犯罪。目的犯之“目的”实质上就是犯罪动机。
Abstract: Crime purpose and crime motive is in the penal code to sentence the quantity Xing important basis, our country the penal code substantially is a crime motive to the particular crime purpose that some concrete crimes rule."Purpose" that the purpose make usually outran a crime mit crime intentional scope, with constitute the important item intentionally have a different property, know of the object outran mit crime posing important item of subjective sex main factor of scope, belong to the mental appearance of deeper the so-called purpose make, oneself think to mean penal code provision the behavior is been subjective to up have particular crime purpose as a posing important item by person of crime."Purpose" that the pu
rpose make is substantially a crime motive.
Keyword: Crime purpose, crime motive, the purpose make
中图分类号:DF611 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-9082(2015)04-0362-01
论犯罪目的与犯罪动机 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.