从美国电影分级制度看中国大陆电影分级制度的构建 公共事业管理专业学生许昌慧 指导教师李明 摘要:世界各国都有自己的电影审查和分级制度。尽管由于社会意识形态不同,但所有电影审查也有相同的部分,它包括限制色情、限制暴力、维护本国固有的文化传统、维护社会安定、保护未成年身心健康这些基本内容。分级制是电影审查制的延续和变型。电影检查从普遍审查到逐等分级转变的既有电影艺术不断发展的历史因素,同时也有现代社会的思想文化因素。作为以法律形式确立下来的电影观看、放映制度的电影分级制是现代电影产业体制不可分割的组成部分。电影分级制是完善电影市场、规范电影行业体制的重要举措,在中国实行电影的分级制势在必行。本文通过美国与中国电影审查制度的比较研究,并以此为基础,试着为中国电影内容监管机制的改革,提出一些可供参考的实际内容。 关键词:中国电影;分级制度;电影审查制度 Looks at mainland China movie graduation system's construction from the American movie graduation system Student majoring in Public Administration XU Changhui Tutor LI Ming Abstract: Each country has its own system of movie grade and examination. Despite the differences in the social ideology, the same parts exist, including such basic elements as limiting sex and violence, protecting national cultural tradition, sustaining social stability, protecting the physical and mental health of the youth. Movie gradation Cist the development and transformation of movie examination. The change from general examination to gradation is due to the historical elements in the development of movie art and the cultural elements in the modern society. Movie gradations a law form is an indispensable part of the movie industry. It is an important way to perfect the movie market and standardize the movie system, and it must be carried out as soon as possible. This paper can hope from the film about the review system, I