XXXXXXXXXX学院 二〇一一年六月 液氯储罐区安全设计与控制研究 摘要 液氯作为氯碱工业的主要产品,广泛应用与工业生产中。然而液氯属于剧毒品,如果泄漏将对环境和人会造成重大危害。本文结合液氯的物理化学性质对液氯储罐区进行危险性分析;对国内液氯储罐区的安全现状和对策措施进行分析;提出正确的储存方式并合理选择储罐;根据建筑设计防火规范对液氯储罐区的安全间距进行设计,包括储罐与储罐的安全距离;储罐与周边厂房的安全距离、储罐区与室外变电站、泵房等安全间距;对储罐区防雷、防静电、消防等进行了设计。对液氯泄漏事故模型有选择的分析,计算出氯气的扩散致死半径和致重伤半径并对事故后果进行预测,为后续人员转移和划分危险区域提供依据,同时向化工企业液氯储罐区安全管理工作提出一些控制措施和建议。 关键词:液氯;储罐区;安全距离;泄漏 Liquid Chlorine Storage Area Safety Design Control and Research Abstract Liquid chlorine is the chlor-alkali industry main products, it is widely used in industrial production. However liquid chlorine is the play drugs, if it leakage the environment and people would be caused serious harmful. This paper based on the physical and chemical properties , analysis for liquid chlorine tank zone risk ;analysis for the safety of liquid chlorine tank domestic status and countermeasures .Puts forward the right way for storage and selection of the reasonable tanks; According to the architecture design code of fire design the safety spacing for liquid chlorine tank, including the safe spacing of tanks between with each other; Tank and the surrounding workshop safe distance, tanks area and outdoor substation, pump room safe distance etc; design for liquid chlorine of thunder, antistatic, fire protection. Choice of analysis for liquid chlorine accident model, calculate the spread of chlorine gas and the radius of the deadly consequences of accident injuries radius and forecast for the subsequent personnel, transfer and division, and provide basis for dangerous area,puts forward some control measures and suggestions to chemical enterprise of safety management work. Key words:Liquid chlorine;tank area;safety distance;leakage 目录 第一章绪论 1 液氯的物化性质 1 1 1 液氯的危害特性 1 液氯的用途 2 国内液氯储罐的安全现状 2 2 我国液氯储罐区采取的控制措施 3 本文研究的内容 3 第二章液氯储罐区安全设计 4 4 4 储