淮北职业技术学院 毕业设计(论文) 专业机械设计制造及其自动化 班级 学生姓名 学号 课题汽车主减速器总成检测机结构设计 和控制电路设计 指导教师胡冬青 2008 年 5 月 5 日 摘要 汽车主减速器是汽车总成的一个重要部件,其性能对整车质量有着直接影响,在生产线上通过试验台对主减速器进行全方位的检测能够有效地保证产品质量。本文介绍了汽车主减试验台的机械结构设计及技术实现。系统可以实现对三种主减速器的综合性能检测,并能根据预先设定的技术参数进行产品性能评判。本试验台整体结构由工作机构、翻转机构、传动机构和支撑机构四部分组成。文中详细阐述了试验台的各零部件的设计及必要的计算过程,还叙述了对伺服电机、减速机、扭矩传感器、线性滑轨等外购件的选型过程。最终,完成了试验台的设计要求,给出了所设计的试验台的主要技术指标。 关键词:主减速器试验台机械结构 Abstract The final drive is an important part in the automobile, its performance has the direct influence to the entire vehicle quality, carries on the omni-directional examination on the production line through the experimental system of final drive to be able effectively to guarantee the product quality. This article introduced the mechanism design and the technical realization of experimental system of final drive. The system may realize to three types of final drive overall performance examinations, and evaluate the production performance according to the technique parameters beforehand. The integrated structure of test stand consists of ponents,namely:working mechanism,overturn mechanism,drive mechanism and supporting paper states the design and calculation of parts ponents for test stand in it introduce the process of ponents includes servo electromotor,speed reducer,torque and rotational speed sensor,linear guidway and ,it plish the design requirement and give out the technical specifications of the test stand. Keywords: final drive experimental system mechanism structure 目录 目录 4 1 引言 5 主减速器简介 5 主减速器结构及其分类 6 汽车检测技术的国内外发展现状 8 10 2总体方案设计 11 11 总体设计思路 11 3 主减速器实验台的机械结构设计 12 12 13 13 14 15 20 23 32 33 34 34 35 36 37 4试验台使用说明 37 37 38 总结 39 谢辞 40 参考文献