_天人合一_视野下中国古典园林艺术的审美追求 第 23 卷第 2 期 2011 年 4 月 六盘水师范高等专科学校学报 Journal of Liupanshui Teachers College
“天人合一”视野下中国古典园林艺术的审美追求 王彩虹 (六盘水师范学院中文系;贵州六盘水 553001) 摘要:“天人合一”是中国古典哲学思想的基本范畴之一,同时,作为中国古典园林艺术追求的终极意境,它在这块壶中天地中获得了更加多元的意义与更加宽广的表现空间。它强调天人相通、天人相融、天人相齐,使园林从物质空间上升为精神空间,成为万千欲求独善其身的文人墨客精神和情思的栖息之所,使得他们的精神生命在这块纳天地于一壶的灵境中得以自由地呼吸。此外,其中蕴涵的“纯任自然”的价值观及其天才般的环保思想也值得今天的我们借鉴和学习。关键词:中国古典园林;天人合一;审美追求中图分类号: 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-055X (2011 )02-0015-03 DOI:.1671- “Nature and Humanity ” under the Chinese Classic Garden Art Aesthetic Pursuit WANG Cai-hong (Chinese Department,Liupanshui Normal College;Liupanshui 553001,China) Abstract: “Nature and humanity ” is a basic idea in classical Chinese philosophy, and is one of the basic categories of Chinese classical garden, as the ultimate pursuit of artistic conception in the world, it has gained more ingredients with multiple significance of wider space. It emphasizes harmony between nature and humanity, interlinked nature ang humanity, make gardens are rising from the art space for the spirit space, e the world desires myriad scholars spirit and feeling of habitats, make their spiritual life in this world, in a pot of free breathing superscript th. In addition, the environmental thought is the genius of our reference and study today. Key words: nature ang humanity ;the Chinese classic garden