1 Jie: Yahoo这个词本来不是个什么好词。要标新立异的打招呼可以用:Hiya / Hola / Ahoy / Knock knock , I’m back. Ling: Hi Jie. How was your day? Jie: Not bad. Ee? Where is Xiang? Ling: She went shopping with her boyfriend. Jie: All ,除非用很轻松的语气说。 Ling, Have you found our electric bills have been getting higher recently? Ling: Yes I have. I think we better keep eyes on it. Jie: I suppose some behaviors may cost electricity wasting unconsciously. For example, leaving lights on during the daytime, leaving screens on when we are not watching, as well as small indicators of some electric devices such work routers and air conditioners, which also consume power unconsciously. Ling: That’s true. I think we should take some measures to solve the problem. What do you think? Jie: Firstly, we gotta use electricity wisely. For example, we should turn all lights off when leaving. And we can use the electric devices/equipments with high energy efficiency. How about partly replacing the current devices/equipments? Ling: Turning lights off when we leave is feasible. But the latter is unworthy to do. coz it will cost more money for us. Instead, we can keep the fridge running low这种说法我没见过,你们自己看着办吧 , or turn off all switches when we are not at home. Jie: Maybe we can only do that from the little we can start from simple ones
Ling: Exactly非常对, I believe we can save some energy by pa