毕业设计(论文)--某大港散货码头1#泊位工程设计梁板式高桩码头结构 某大港散货码头1泊位工程设计梁板式高桩码头结构 摘要 本工程位于xx市大港区是一个散货码头其结构形式为高桩梁板式码头其地质条件良好不用做特殊的地基处理在纵向设一条变形缝将码头分为前后方桩台在横向设3条变形缝将码头在纵向分为4段该工程主要包括工程规模确定各种建筑物的平面布置和主要尺度设计顶高程底高程长度宽度以及面积等确定生产作业工艺设计等在确定主要结构形式及尺寸后先进行了码头面荷载标准值的计算接着计算出各种结构的内力值跨中弯矩支座弯矩支座剪力及支座反力找出最不利的一组或几组内力进行组合选取最安全的结果计算配筋并绘图此外还要对结构整体稳定性及抗震进行验算关键词散货码头高桩结构设计内力配筋验算 ABSTRACT This project is located the Tianjin big port area is a standard bulk cargo berthIts structural style for Gao Zhuangliang the beat wharf its geological condition is good does not need to make special ground processingIn longitudinal supposes a distortion seam divides into the wharf before and after square pile Taiwan Crosswise is supposing 3 distortion seams in longitudinal divides into the wharf 4sectionsThis project mainly includes the project scale to determine each building plane arrangement and the main criterion design go against elevation bottom elevation length width as well as area and so on determine the production work technological design and so on After the determination main structural style and the size has first carried on the wharf surface load normal putation then calculates each kind of structure the endogenic force value cross bending moment support bending moment support shearing force and reaction of support discovers most disadvantageous group of or several group of endogenic forces carries on binationSelects the safest putation to match the muscle and to draw a chartIn addition also must carries on the checking calculation to the structure overall stability and the earthquake resistance Key wordsBulk cargo TerminalHigh pileStructural DesignInternal Force Reinforcement putations 第1章设计背景 1 11工程概述 1 12设计原则 1 13设计依据 1 14设计任务 1 第2章设计资料 2 21地形条件 2 22气象条件 2 23水文条件 2 25地质条件 3 26地震条件 3 28施工条件 4 第3章设计成果 5 31总体设计成果 5 32结构方案成果 5 33施工图设计成果 5 34关键性技术要求 5 35设计成果评价 5 第4章总平面设计 6 41工程规模 6 42布置原则 6 43设计船型 6 44作业条件 6 45总体尺度 7 com位长度 7 com沿高程 7 com沿停泊水域尺度 7 com船舶回旋水域尺度 7 com计高程 8 com计尺度 8