Property Times Residential Shanghai 上海 ෙलڼ Q3 2008 Contents ణ 01 Leasing Market ፀନׇ!!! 01 Demand !!!!! Ⴔ൱ 02 Supply !!!!! ࠃᆌ 03 Sales Market ၨׇ!!! 03 Demand !!!!!Ⴔ൱ 04 Supply !!!!!ࠃᆌ 05 Outlook !!!ቛྭ 06 Shanghai Luxury Apartment Distribution!!!! ࠅᇦݴք܋ฉ࡛ߛ!!! 07 Notes !!!ጀ Leasing market ፀନׇ Demand Ⴔ൱ ዿፀନׇፕྺᅃᅙঢ়ׯຄ࿘ۨڗLjߛ܈3लڼAs a steady and mature market, the Shanghai high-end 2008 ߳܈ཥྫྷलLjԨलدᆖၚᆶ၌Ljፕྺڦگ୍ڟׇLjڦ residential leasing market was not so affected by the low ٳፀূ܈๕ࠅᇦׇԨलیperformance of the sales market in Q3 2008. During this ᄽፀନׇ၄ೝ࿘ă৶ ڟٳ%Ǘዿ୲܈traditionally active time, the leasing market remained steady /ೝݛ/ሆLjԲฉल ٳዿ୲܈܈in Q3 2008. The rental in the serviced apartment sector was %LjԲฉल ٳǗፀূۅ܈LjԲฉल% m/month, down by % quarter-on-quarter ܈ă՚ຓׇԨल%܈q-o-q) and the occupancy rate in the sector increased by /ೝݛ/ሆLjԲฉल) ܈LjԲฉल% points q-o-q to %. The occupancy rate in the ዿ୲ %DŽ܈luxury non-serviced apartment sector decreased slightly by /ೝݛ/ሆLjԲฉल percentage points q-o-q to % and the sector’s average asking rental decreased by % q-o-q to m/month. The occupancy rate for villas was %, a slight decrease of percentage points q-o-q. The average asking rental in the sector increased by % q-o-q to m/month. Shanghai residential rental and occupancy as of Q3 2008 ዿፀূतዿ୲ڗฉ࡛ߛ܈3लڼ2008 Properties ᄽૌ႙ Non-serviced apartment Serviced apartment Villa ခ๕ࠅᇦ՚ຓޜیࠅᇦ৶ڗߛ Rental Rental Rental Overall (RMB/sq m/month) Occupancy (%) (RMB/sq m/month) Occupancy (%) (RMB/sq m/month) Occupancy (%) ጺ༹ፀূDŽට௷Լ/ೝݛ/ሆDž ዿ୲ፀূDŽට௷Լ/ೝݛ/ሆDž ዿ୲ፀূDŽට௷Լ/ೝݛ/ሆDž ዿ୲