Impossible Photography by Erik Johansson 超現實,是超越了現實的思維所想像出來的瘋狂世界?還是以超越現在的另一層次思維活出新的視野?是被動地認為不可能而不想去相信及創造,還是化被動為主動的活出一個嶄新的世界呢? 30歲的瑞典攝影師Erik Johansson 所創作的出發不是攝影下某個已存在的 Moment,而是捕捉在他心中早已萌芽的 Idea,也許聽著他的點子會覺得瘋狂可笑,但他卻用作品開創出了超越一般思維的無限可能,使人不再拘泥於「不可能」之上,而是活出了開闊的視野。 --ㄇㄞˋ點子靈感創意誌 Erik Johansson (April 1985) is a Swedish-born artist based in Berlin who creates surreal images by bining photographs and other materials. He captures ideas bining images in new ways to create what looks like a real photograph,yet with logical inconsistencies to impart an effect of finished images are bination of "hundreds of original photographs" as well as raw materials, and Johansson spends dozens of hours using image manipulation software such as Adobe Photoshop to alter the image digitally and to illustrate his idea. Reporter Robert Krulwich wrote that Johansson creates a "meticulous fantasy" which is "part photograph, part construction, part drawing" with "so many layers of foolery in his images, you can't pull the illusion apart, it fits together so perfectly. -- wikipedia