年产1000万吨胜利原油常减压工艺设计 1000万吨年胜利原油常减压工艺设计 摘要 本次设计主要是设计一年胜利原油处理量能力为1000万吨的常压塔其次为塔板的设计 原油常压蒸馏作为原油的一次加工工艺在原油加工总流程中占有重要作用在炼厂具有举足轻重的地位其运行的好坏直接影响到后续的加工过程其中重要的分离设备常压塔的设计是能否获得高收率高质量油的关键近年来常减压蒸馏技术和管理经验不断创新装置节能消耗显著产品质量提高但与相比仍存在较大的差距 主要的是核算塔板流体力学性能及操作性能使塔板在适宜的操作范围内操作 本次设计结果表明参数的校核结果与假设值间误差在允许范围内其余均在经验值范围内本次设计就此完成 关键词常压塔浮阀塔板流体力学 1000Mta shengli crude oil normal pressures columns Abstract A atmosperic distillation columnwhich is able to treat crucd oil 1000Mt a year is designed mainly and atype of tray As a part of crude oil processing technic the normal pressures distilion of crude oil is very important in the whole processing schemes of crude oil and refineries and its operation status directly affects the continuing machine processThere are a kind of important separate equipment---- normal pressures columns which is the key to attain high efficient high quality oil In recent yearsfirstly the distillion technique of normal pressures and manage experience were innovated constantly secondly equipments effect of saving energy is remarkable thirdly product quality was pare to international advanced techniquesthere are a long distance A type of Fvalve tary which weigth 33g a valve is be chosen It is outside diamete determined by the vapour load of the column is 8m The tray spacing is 06m The most important work is to calculate the hydromechanics performance and the operating flexibility of the tray The tray should be operatd in a proper area The results show that the errors between the assumed values and the results ate in the range pwemitted or the results are in the range os empirical values So the design pleted Key word Atmospheric distillating column valve tray hydromechanics 目录 1文献综述 1 11 胜利油田的性质 1 12 常减压装置在炼厂总加工流程中的作用 1 13 常减压装置的目的产品及性能 2 com装置的目的产品种类 2 com装置产品性能 2 14 常减压蒸馏塔顶缓蚀剂的筛选及防腐问题的应对 6 com蒸馏塔顶腐蚀原因的机理分析 7 com蒸馏塔顶缓蚀剂的筛选 7 com 缓蚀剂的合成 8 com 缓蚀剂性能比较评价 8 com 缓蚀剂与中和剂的复配效果评价 8 com 加强常减压蒸馏塔顶防腐蚀工作的几点建议 9 15 常减压蒸馏装置用缓蚀剂的研究现状及展望 10 com 常减压蒸馏装置腐