安氏Ⅰ类牙列拥挤错牙弓及牙槽弓宽度测量分析 【摘要】目的研究安氏Ⅰ类牙列拥挤错病人牙弓及牙槽弓宽度的特点。方法选取40例安氏Ⅰ类牙列拥挤错病例(观察组)及40例个别正常病例(对照组),收集各病例的原始模型。测量两组尖牙牙弓宽度、磨牙牙弓宽度及磨牙牙槽弓宽度,并计算上、下颌对应的牙弓、牙槽弓宽度差。结果两组中除对照组上下尖牙牙弓宽度外,各指标均为男性大于女性(t=~,P<、);男性观察组上颌尖牙牙弓宽度大于对照组,男女观察组上、下磨牙牙弓宽度及磨牙牙槽弓宽度均小于对照组(t=~,P<、)。结论安氏Ⅰ类牙列拥挤错畸形上、下磨牙牙弓宽度及磨牙牙槽弓宽度均小于正常。牙列拥挤病人牙弓长度短、宽度狭窄与其错的发生机制有关。 【关键词】错, 安氏Ⅰ类;模型测量;牙弓;牙槽窝 [ABSTRACT]ObjectiveTo study the characteristic of dental arch and alveolar width of patients with Class Ⅰ crowding lusion. MethodsThis study was conducted by using measurements on dental casts of 40 Class Ⅰ crowding lusion (observation group) and 40 mild Class Ⅰ lusion (control group) subjects. The inter-canine, inter-molar and alveolar widths were measured and the differences between maxillary and mandible width Dental arch and alveolar width of both groups were significantly larger in male group than in female, except of inter-canine width (t=-,P<;). Maxillary in tercanine width in male group was significantly larger in observation group than in the control. Maxillary and mandibular intermolar and alveolar width were significantly smaller in observation group than in the control (t=-;P<,). Conclusion The width of intermolar arch and alveolar in subjects with Class Ⅰ crowding lusion are smaller pared with normal occlusion, which is related t