本科毕业设计(论文) 题目:某商住楼工程量清单与招标控制价编制 Compiling for Bill of quantities and Controlled bidding price of mercial and Residential Project
学院建筑工程与环境学院 专业工程管理 班级工程管理07班 学号 074110203 姓名 指导教师职称讲师 完成日期 2011年4月25日 某商住楼工程量清单与招标控制价编制 摘要:工程量清单计价是一种与市场和国际接轨的计价方法。本课题以工程量清单计价的基本原理为依据,按照相关规范,通过对某商住楼工程实例进行工程量清单与招标控制价编制。设计主要完成了工程量清单的编制、工程量的计算、钢筋工程量的电算、工程量清单计价以及招标控制价的汇总,以此实践了清单计价全过程内容。 关键词:工程量清单;清单计价;招标控制价 Compiling for Bill of quantities and Controlled bidding price of mercial and Residential Project Cheng Yun Abstract: Valuation with bill quantities of construction works is a marketable and international way of valuation. This dissertation is based on the fundamental theory of valuation with bill quantities and interrelated criterion,it will present all the wok of valuation with bill quantities and controlled bidding price through the example of mercial and residential project.. This thesis includes piling of bill of quantities, the calculating of quantities, quantities of steel bar, valuation with bill quantities and controlled bidding price’s collecting, all of which have showed the practice of valuation with bill quantities. Keywords: Bill of quantities; Valuation with bill quantities; Controlled bidding price 目录