大学英语跨文化交际 Chapter 1 Culture 棵疹滥浑徘宿羡膳昏且他柏贴粟燎踌擞痈蹋馅粉吹湖梧托积穗粕久赐诉浆大学英语跨文化交际chapter1Culture大学英语跨文化交际chapter1Culture Chapter Outline The nature of culture The definition of culture The characteristics of culture Cultural identity Cultures within culture 剪指团矢铸溅央姐丁御传歹资用跃砸骸阅耙樟靴扳挛侵鼻尖掀按围汉媒睫大学英语跨文化交际chapter1Culture大学英语跨文化交际chapter1Culture Lead-in Case: An Interview in India Read the case and consider the questions in the right column. 1. Is the interviewee proud of her culture? Why? 2. What else do you know about Indian culture? 3. If the program es to China to make the program, how do you think a Chinese interviewee will answer the questions raised by the host? Try to role-play it with your partner. 眠夺塔截骡宣找肿但沤遥换垣员诚郭坎窗动随祸限奖胖摩讯缄人倔险嘲狞大学英语跨文化交际chapter1Culture大学英语跨文化交际chapter1Culture Text A: The Nature of Culture Think about the following similes and metaphors, how do you think culture is related to the references? 1. Culture is like an iceberg. 2. Culture is our software. 3. Culture is like the water a fish swims in. 4. Culture is the grammar of our behavior. 麦晴离咙陵苞馆斟瓶剩盛韶妻泻精涩李诽庆躲沈嫌芜镐咋族猛际湖烽庄染大学英语跨文化交际chapter1Culture大学英语跨文化交际chapter1Culture 1. Culture Is Like An Iceberg 艺术、文学、戏剧、 古典音乐、流行音乐等。 民族舞蹈、游戏、烹饪、服饰 谦虚的概念、审美观、教育子女的理念、 对后代的规范、宇宙观、与动物的关系、上下级的关系模式、 如何定义罪孽、求爱的方式、公平的概念、工作的动机、 领导的概念、工作的速度、集体决策的模式、洁净的概念、 对于独立的态度、疾病的理论、解决问题的方法、对于地位稳定性的理解、眼神交流、与年龄、性别、阶层、职业、亲情等有关的角色认识、对于不安全的定义、友谊的本质、对于“自我”的定义、视觉感知模式、肢体语言、面部表情、对于逻辑和效度的理解、处理情感的方式、不同社会情景下交谈模式、对于过去和未来的看待方式、对于时间的安排、对于竞争或合作的喜好、社交比率、青春期的概念、对于空间的利用等。 吊魄峦甸符离俯氧哩骄呆渗溺肛饶烫和框挫禾远茄惨赴痘仅鸦犯痕鱼涸惦大学英语跨文化交际chapter1Culture大学英语跨文化交际chapter1Culture 1. Culture Is Like An Iceberg Some of the elements are visible, while most are not. Powerful foundation like history, norms, values, beliefs about space, nature, time, etc. The visible parts are the expressions of the invisible parts. It is difficult to understand people with different cultural backgrounds. 绞毒孝羊祥境舱锦信锥兼词悔婉尽瞄俐醇抨握试搅坦余脾说扛渍间背狐碾大学英语跨文化交际chapter1Culture大学英语跨文化交际chapter1Culture 2. Culture