内容摘要 论坛的全称是电子布告系统,起初它只是公布信息的一种工具,随着技术的不断发展,论坛最终发展成一个信息整合、思想交流、资源共享的电子互动平台。 项目通过spring+hibernate+struts三大框架来架构系统。然后,通过总体设计、详细设计和代码实现的开发步骤来实现一个通用的论坛系统。 在项目的开发过程中运用了大量的统一建模语言(UML)的知识,本文阐述了整个系统的开发过程。包括对项目所选用的技术做简单介绍,对论坛系统进行需求分析和用例建模,数据库建模、系统业务流程分析和设计、系统分层设计与实现以权权限功能模块的详细解析。 关键词: 论坛系统、需求分析、统一建模语言 Abstract The full name of the Forum is Bulletin Board first,It just a tool only used for publishing information. As thetechnology keeps evolving all this years,nowadays,the forum has becaming an Interactive platform which peoples can share their ideas and resources with each other in also the forum can help people collecting and ordering all kinds of informations. The structure of this project is established by the three open-source framework which are spring hibernate and struts. When I’m developing this system I have done the three development steps which are overall design detailed design and code implementation. In order to develop mon forum system,I have used a lot of Unified Modeling Language(UML) paper has explains the whole system development process, including doing a brief introduction of the technology which the project has also had done the work which are System Requirements Analysis User Case Modeling Database Modeling Business Process Analysis and the implementation of the system. Key words: Forum System、System Requirements Analysis、UML 目录 1 前言··································································· 1 ················································ 1 ················································1 ················································1 2系统的架构技术与开发工具················································ 2 ···········································2 Spring简介································································ 2 ·············································2 Hibernate简介·······································2