第卷第期世界核地质科学 25 4 , 年月 2008 12 World Nuclear Geoscience 南岭成矿带沙坝子矿床外围 铀成矿特征与找矿前景 杨尚海 核工业研究所湖南长沙 ( 230 , 410011) 根据南岭成矿带沙坝子矿床勘查历史和研究现状分析和总结了该矿床的铀成矿特征 [摘要] , 。 在深源成矿论和深部找矿等当今铀成矿理论指导下根据矿床成矿地质背景铀矿化特征控矿因素 , 、、 及大量资料的综合分析和研究认为沙坝子矿床外围铀成矿潜力巨大找矿前景广阔在新一轮找矿 , 、, 工作中应引起高度重视 。 南岭成矿带沙坝子矿床矿化特征找矿前景 [关键词] ; ; ; [中图分类号] ; P598 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-0636(2008)04-0195-08 Uranium metallogenic features and prospecting potentialities in the areas around Shabazi uranium deposit in Nanling metallogenic belt YANG Shang ̄hai (Research Institute , CNNC, Changsha, Hunan 410011 China) Abstract: Based on the actuality of exploration and research on Shabazi uranium deposit in Nanling metallogenic belt, the author analyzes and summarizes uranium metallogenic features of the deposit. Under the direction of modern metallogenic theories of uranium deposit, such as deep ̄source mineralization and deep prospecting for uranium deposits, it is shown that there is great mineralization and prospecting potentiality in the areas around Shabazi uranium deposit and high attention importance should be paid to the areas in the future exploration according to the synthetical analysis on geologic background of the deposit, uranium mineralization features, ore ̄controlling factors and systematic data of geology. Key words: Nanling metallogenic belt