医学与哲学( 人文社会医学版) 2006 年 4 月第 27 卷第 4 期总第 306 期
摘要: 从文化进步的角度看, 中医中药没有寻求到自我进步的道路, 约束了人们对病理和生理的理解; 从尊重科学的角度
看, 中医中药既缺乏经验基础又缺乏逻辑基础; 从维护生物多样性的角度看, 中医中药在倡导不科学施治的同时, 破坏了生
物的多样性; 从人道主义的角度看, 中医中药蕴含着装腔作势的医理解释, 推行毒物、异物、污物入药。因此, 我们有充分的
关键词: 告别, 中医, 中药
中图分类号: R22
文献标识码: A
文章编号: 1002- 0772( 2006) 04- 0014- 04
Farewell to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Remedies
ZH A N G Gong
y ao. ST S Institute of Central South University , Chang
sha 410083, China
Abstract: From the viewpoint of pro gression of culture, T raditio nal Chinese M edicine and remedies( CT M R) has not seeked a way
to make itself development forw ard that has been eng ag ed Chinese people themselves to understand properly human pathology and
physiolog y; from the viewpo int for a respect to science, CT M R has neither empirical nor rational foundation; from the v iew point
of maintenance for the diversit y o f life, w hile CT M R spark plug a wrong remedy to illness, it alw ays destroy diversity of life; and
from the viewpoint of humanitarianism, CT M R contains a ho ity- toity medical theory and make poisonous, w astes and feculence as
remedies. T herefore, w e have enoug h reasons to bid a farew ell to T radit ional Chinese M edicine and remedies.
Key Words: farew ell, T raditional Chinese M edicine, traditional Chinese remedy
1879 年, 浙江儒学保守派人士俞樾发表
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