关键词: 暂态稳定,修正的暂态能量函数,概率分析
stabili匆evaIuation h髂long been recognized舔a mndamental part of power system pla衄ing,desi印,0peration and 'power systems have been planned锄d 0perated using detenIlinistic transient %
stabili够粕alysis is basically a probabilistic rather than dete册inistic problem.
Detenninistic弱sessment can not renect the essence of power stability pared with detemlinistic臼ansi%t s切bili哆assessment of power
systems,也e result of probabilistic s劬ili够嬲sessment can proVide a realistic
印pfaisal on instabili哆level of tlle eXpected订锄sient ped’o锄ance of systems 1lslng stochastic data of ,a series of probabilistic approaches have be明 %a challen百ng probl锄is me pfobabilistic印proach allows too
l)utation t0 satis母the demand of stabili够硒sessment 0n—line.
As for锄s problem,a new锄al如cal modcl desc曲ed the uncenain够of the fauIt
cle撕ng time for probabilistic tmnsient s协bili够褐sessment of power§ysteIIls is proposed in mis modcl,a Corrected ThIlsient Energ),Function(CTEF) based hybrid雅alysis s仃ategy is developed t0 eValuate probabilistic ins协lili够index of this髓alysis ,位萄ecto叮siInulation inco叩orating wi也CTEF
energy ma玛in of contingencies is conducted t0 judge tlle st2Lbilit)r 0r t0 evaIuate Critical Cle耐ng T)吼d让Ien the probabilistic insta]bil时ind腻of contingency is evaluated wim也e stabili够inf0咖ation 0r wi廿l 0utstanding adv加tage of t11is印proach is t11at T eValuation is only conducted ve珂severe contingendes which are 0nly a mlction for the all contingencies
considered in the prob
电力系统暂态稳定性概率评估方法的研究-电力系统及其自动化专业毕业论文 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.