Chapter 9 Monopoly 黄新飞 International Business School Sun-Yat Sen University 库文档分享 2 A Definition petition “Competition is when everyone tries to get a monopoly.” We’re going to learn about monopoly as well as one other form of petition called petition. We shall see that prices are generally higher and outputs are lower under petition than under petition. 库文档分享 3 The Definition of petition petition prevails in an industry whenever individual sellers have some measure of control over the price of their output. If a firm can appreciably affect the market price of its output, the firm is classified as an “petitor”. 库文档分享 4 Acid Test for petition Is Downward Tilt of Firm’s d d d d Quantity Quantity Price Price Firm Demand under petition Firm Demand under petition 库文档分享 5 Firm Demand under petition d d Quantity Price An increase in its rival’s prices will appreciably shift its own demand curve left to d’d’ d’ d’ 库文档分享 6 Type of Industry Structure 库文档分享 7 Monopoly Market One Seller Many Buyers There is only one seller in the market selling a product for which there are no close substitutes. 库文档分享 8 Monopoly Exists when there is only one seller in the market selling a product for which there are no close substitutes. The monopolist is not a price taker as was our petitive firm. Rather, it is a price maker, meaning that it exerts considerable control over what the market price will be. The monopolist has this power because it also controls quantity supplied in the market. 库文档分享 9 中国案例分析1:中国互联网垄断调查报告发布 互联网实验室在京发布《中国互联网行业垄断状况调查及对策研究报告》指出腾讯、百度、阿里巴巴均涉及垄断,其中腾讯垄断程度最大。%。轰动一时的3Q(360与QQ)大战就是最明显的表现。腾讯联合百度等五家公司抵制360是典型的缔结垄断协议行为。而腾讯QQ捆绑搭售的现象恰恰是最具代表性的互联网垄断手段之一。 库文档分享 10 Oligopoly Market Few Sellers Many Buyers Few sellers; little or no difference in product; or products are differentiated. Some of the most vigorous rivalries in the economy are in markets where there are but a few rival firms. 库文档分享