摘要 本论文主要研究了全球定位系统GPS-RTK技术及南方CASS地形图成图软件和纬地公路设计软件联合用于公路断面测量的方内容,提出了利用上述硬件和软件结合进行内外业一体化的公路断面测量方法。 论文简要介绍了GPS系统的组成、主要工作特点以及在公路工程中的应用现状;论述了GPS-RTK的工作原理、外业测量的过程、以及在公路工程断面测量中应用的优势;论文介绍了南方CASS地形图成图软件地表模型的建立和等高线的绘制方法、纬地公路设计软件的线路设计和数模建立以及断面图绘制的方法。 论文通过庄盖高速公路2标段的断面测量实例,验证了文中提出的利用GPS-RTK及南方CASS软件和纬地软件相结合的一体化公路断面测量的方法,实践证明,该方法是可行的,达到了提高效率和自动化程度的目的,断面数据精度也得到了提高,为快速进行断面测量和地面土方计算提供了解决方案。论文还论述了GPS-RTK与常规水准仪相结合,解决现状测区高程拟合的问题。 关键词: GPS-RTK;公路断面测量;GPS控制网;南方CASS;纬地软件 Abstract This paper is a global positioning system (GPS) for the measurement of the content of highway projects, the main research will be the Global Positioning System (GPS) RTK technology for the road section survey, and with latitude in the South CASS software software and graphics within the industry to calculate Earthwork. An outline of the GPS system, position of the main features and the status of highway engineering; discusses the GPS-RTK cross-section measurement in the application of highway engineering advantages; from the basic principle of GPS positioning, detailed analysis of the GPS- RTK surveying outside the process: systematic study of latitude in the South CASS with software use. Papers with CASS and latitude to the south of software use, comprehensive study of the road GPS RTK operation mode of the characteristics of measurement and the application of GPS RTK technology road measurements (including road surface, profile, cross section) the entire process, and highlights South bining with the latitude to the process of drawing cross-section and earthwork calculations. GPS RTK paper discusses bination with conventional water level to solve specific engineering problems, CASS and the latitude of the South proposed bine the concept drawing, saving time. Key words:GPS-RTK;Road section survey;GPS work;South CASS;Latitude to the software 目录 第一章绪论 1 1 4 RTK技术在道路测量中的应用及优缺点 5 RTK技术在道路测量中的应用 5 6 7 第二章 GPS-RTK测量相关概念 9 2.