22 S1 2010 9
V o .l 22 N o. S1 2010. 9 Journal of J iax ing University ∀ 127∀
10. 3969 / .i issn. 1008- 6781. 2010. S1. 015
(上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院, 上海 200030)
要: 通过对海盐县妇联接受妇女信访情况和在
妇女信访信息的分析, 揭示
了现在妇女维权方面的热点、难点, 分析了妇联在妇女维权方面还存在的不足, 提出了做好妇女维权工作的
建议。妇联维权工作的重点在家庭, 根本方法是提高妇女素质, 有效措施是整合社会资源。
关键词: 妇女; 信访; 维权; 社会现象
中图分类号: D 632. 8
文献标识码: A.
文章编号: 1008- 6781( 2010) S1- 0127- 03
Analysis of Soc ia l Phenom ena about L etters and Ca lls from W om en
D ING L i- p ing
( Schoo l o f In ternational and P ub lic A ffa irs, Shangha i Jiaotong U n iversity, Shangha i 200030)
Abstract: Through the analyses of the statistics abou tH aiyan W om en! s L eague rece iv ing le tters and ca lls from
w om en, as w e ll as the in fo rm ation o f using "Ba idu ne t" to search " L etters and Ca lls from W om en", this paper reveals
the hot issues and difficulties o fw om en! s ma intain ing their lega l rights currently. It a lso ana lyzes the insuffic iencies of
m a inta in ing legal rights by the W om en! s League, and proposes ways fo r essfully do ing the wom en s' rights protec
tion w ork: the focus of w om en! s ma intain ing their lega l rights lies in fam ily, the fundam enta lme thod is to im prove the
qua lity o f wom en, and the e ffective m easure is in teg ra tion o f soc ial resources.
K ey word s: w om
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