国防科技大学学报 第 32 卷第 2 期 JOURNAL OF NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY Vol. 32 No. 2 2010 文章编号: 1001- 2486( 2010) 02- 0007- 05 背部进入式舱外航天服穿脱口铰链配置优化研究 X 周仕明, 李道奎, 唐国金 ( 国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院, 湖南长沙 410073) 摘要: 应用有限元方法对内压作用下舱外航天服穿脱口密封结构进行了受力分析, 针对服装泄压后穿 脱口残余内力和变形过大问题, 建立了铰链配置优化模型, 得到了一种更为合理的铰链配置方案。研究结果 表明, 对舱外航天服这类几何结构不规则压力容器, 优化铰链配置可以改善结构内力分布, 减小由结构发生局 部塑性变形而引起的结构残余内力。 关键词: 舱外航天服; 密封结构; 结构分析; 有限元法 中图分类号: V47511 文献标识码: A Optimization of Configuration of the Hatch Closure Hinges of the Rear Entry Spacesuit Used for EVA ZHOU Sh-iming, LI Dao-kui, TANG Guo-jin ( College of Aerospace and Material Engineering, National Univ. of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China) Abstract: Based on the finite element method, the strength and stiffness of spacesuit hatch closure under internal pressure are calculated. The optimization model of the hinges configuration is established to reduce residual internal force of the hinges. An improvement configuration of the hinges is obtained. The results demonstrate that the optimal configuration of the hinges of the irregular shaped pressure vessel can reduce the residual internal force as a result of the structural plastic deformation. Key words: spacesuit; closure structure; structure analysis; finite element method 用于穿脱航天服并使其密封的结构是航天服的穿脱口。背部进入式舱外航天服穿脱口由躯干结构 背部开口、背包结构和铰链组成。其中躯干结构背部开口是航天服的舱口, 用于航天员/ 进出0航天服, 背包结构是航天服