11 1 ( ) , 第 10 卷第 3 期江西农业大学学报社会科学版 Vol. 10 No. 3 , 2011 年 09 月 Journal of Jiangxi Agricultural University Sep. 2011 ( ) 文章编号:1671 - 6523 2011 03 - 0083 - 07 基于 PSR 框架模型的流域生态系统 健康评价研究现状及展望 陈美球,刘桃菊* ,许莉 ( 江西省鄱阳湖流域农业与生态工程技术中心,江西南昌 330045) 摘要:从指标体系构建、评价单元与数据来源、健康状况的评判三个方面对我国基于 PSR 框架模型流域生态系 统健康评价研究进行综述,并根据 PSR 框架模型的评价思路与流域生态系统特征,对基于 PSR 框架模型流域 生态系统健康评价的研究进行展望。最后提出因地制宜是 PSR 框架模型流域生态系统健康评价方法的生命 力所在; 应突出水环境状况变化核心内容,依“人—地—水”脉络确定健康评价指标体系; 评价指标的观测应重 视时间尺度上的纵向变化; “3S”是流域生态系统健康评价的必要技术手段。 关键词:流域生态系统; PSR 框架模型; 健康评价; 研究展望 中图分类号:X826 文献标志码:A Advances and Prospects in Assessing of Watershed Eco-system Health Based on PSR Model , * , CHEN Mei-qiu LIU Tao-jiu XU Li ( , Jiangxi Provincial Research Center for Agricultural Ecology of Po-yang Lake Watershed Nanchang , ) 330045 China : Abstract This paper first summarized the advances achieved in assessing watershed eco - system health , , based on PSR model from the perspective of index system evaluation units and data sources and health status , , diagnosis. And according to the PSR framework model and watershed ecosystem characteristics it put for- : ward the prospect on the research of watershed eco-system health assessment Focusing on local conditions is ; the most important factor in evaluating watershed eco-system health based on PSR model the index system ; should be establishe