大学生主观幸福感现状及与其自尊水平关系的研究 刘洋 (新乡医学院心理学系,河南新乡 453003) 摘要: 目的探讨大学生主观幸福感现状及与其自尊水平间的关系。方法采用中国人幸福感量表和自尊量表对922名大学生主观幸福感现状进行调查;分析了大学生自尊水平对其主观幸福感状况的影响。结果 922名大学生主观幸福感得分最高分为125分,最低分为31分,平均(±)分。自尊对主观幸福感的影响显著F=,P<;决定系数R2=。%的变异量。结论大学生主观幸福感状况良好,但程度不强,且存在较大个体差异;自尊对主观幸福感具有极其显著的正向预测力,但影响大学生主观幸福感因素较多,值得引起关注。 关键词:大学生;主观幸福感;自尊 College Students Subjective Well-being Situation and Its Self-esteem Research of the Relationship LIU Yang (Department of Psychology,XinxiangMedical College,Xinxiang453003,China) Abstract: Goal : Discusses the relationship between college students' subjective well-being situation and its self-esteem level. Method: Used in the investigation of Chinese Happiness Scale and Self-esteem Scale for 922 college students subjective well-being status, analyzed the influence of college students self-esteem level on the status of subjective well-being. Results: The highest score of the 922 college students subjective well-being was 125 points, the lowest was 31 points, the average score was ±. It shows self-esteem and two factors have the significant influence on the subjective well-being(F=,P<.001), the determination coefficient R2 was . The prediction model of self-esteem on college students' subjective well-being can explain its % of the variance. Conclusion: College student subjective well-being in good