第 23 卷第 2 期中国海商法研究 Vo l. 23 N o. 2
2012 年 7 月 Chinese Journal of Maritime Law Jul. 2012
赵亮. 2011 年香港海商法判例综述[ J] . 中国海商法研究, 2012, 23( 2) : 95-100
2011 年香港海商法判例综述
( 香港理工大学物流及航运学系, 香港 999077)
摘要: 2011 年香港海商法判例, 来自香港高等法院原诉法庭和上诉法庭。案件主要涉及海上货物运输责任限额、
也有程序法律问题, 涉及多国法律的选择和管辖地法院的选择, 充分体现了海商案件的复杂性和多元性。
关键词: 包装/ 通常运费单位; 法律适用; 造船合同; 不方便法院地; 碰撞索赔
中图分类号: DF 961. 9 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1003-7659-( 2012)02-0095-06
The overview of the maritime case law in Hong Kong 2011
ZHAO Liang
( Depart ment of L og istics and M aritime St udies, T he Ho ng K ong Po ly technic U niversity , Hong K o ng 999077, China)
Abstract: T he maritime cases o f Hong K ong in 2011 include judgments fro m the Court of First Instance and the
Court o f A ppeal in t he High Co urt of t he HKSA R . T he cases mainly inv olve issues of lia bility limit in carria ge o f
g oods by sea, t he applica ble law under sea w aybills, property o f ship under construction, choice of jurisdictio n and
liability of co llisio n. T hese cases concern bo th substantial law and procedure law relating to multiple national law s
and choice of elig ible court in different jurisdictions. T his em bo dies t he co mplex and pluralism of maritime cases.
Key words: package / custo mary freight unit; applica ble law ; ship building co ntract ; forum no n co nv enie
2011 年香港海商法判例综述 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.