河北大学 硕士学位论文 糖引发乙腈-水体系相分离萃取弱极性有机物的研究 姓名:刘蓓 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:分析化学 指导教师:张红医 2011-06 ʼᡅ ʼᡅ ʳ˅ՈQ̠ˊń ȌĚƚŤƅₑᡅŌĹQ̠ˊ5ͩՈΙū͟ி4Ϙ Ȍ5ͩ ՈĄ§4^-^ǚ«ඓͤtcՈʳ˅Q̠ˊ5ͩ7Pƨ·එrPńČඣ^-^ ZǕՈP,Ո^-^ǚäƫ48சȌ9 Âۘऺr͢ńȯசʳ˅ՈϟǎՈ܄ǚȖ àϬ4 ৰ 1 তȭᢅՈόÑ^-^ǚ&Ȗ܄Ոʳ˅Q̠ˊ5ͩǎ͢àϬẟᜐrවẴ ÂₑͥȳẴr8சȌ9ͩՈƣˊʐ8சȌ9ϣՈǝâ4 ࡿɴᬥǒɀϬጥወ ৰ 2 ত EဌʐˈՈ£ȌŢ^¤͑řசʐxசȒĆǕϣּ ÏʼȖ϶‼⍤ňܯࡿ4ۘऺrxEȖx ࡿFūEဌº͢^ˈՈ£Ȍĭ சň&ּ &ɭQᜑϣ᪙F^ Ni2+3Co2+3Cu2+ʐ Hg2+ƮtՈ‑Ȍĭń C18 ɭZՈ ࡿǝâņএ rϬ HPLC 5ͩȷợ ࡿ̼ϟ÷ₕʒࡿƄՈ,5ͩ4 Ոᎁ⁐ିĭᯬȯₓՈ HPLC ϟǎ5ͩ4ٸ̓^ৰ 3 তņএrɃ̫Ιợ±ǧƉ ᄶɭ& Diamonsil C18 ɭ(150× mm .,5 µm)ϕ¬ּ&϶⁋-%‼Ţ^(85:15 v/v)ϕợ& ̼ϟͶ⑃& 254 nmɭÕ&ǘÕńǒɀȆᩬՈżşǝâ[ ϶⁞ٸ3̓„ٸ3̓ٸ3̓‼ٸ3̓ٸϬʃβ¤͑ͩϟǎʳ˅ȯₓᅪሣ̓ ᎁ⁐ିĭᯬńϟǎᇇĐͱƅᄳΙՈඃɳ͟ிĭᯬՈ̼Ϧ└ᇇĐń ^ ÑβܲՈϟǎʳ˅ᎁ⁐ିĭᯬՈȯₓ4 ՈሳசϚ 5-϶Ȗத ȯٸৰ 4 তņএr 50%Ոጥወசͼȸ^ʐȯcŌ ₓՈ HPLC ϟǎ5ͩ4ǒɀȆᩬrǚFϬₓ3ǚrⒸ3ǚÕò3pH ȨǝâՈ ƽˑńǒɀȆᩬՈżşǝâ[ 5-϶Ȗத ń 1^50 g/mL ᇇĐͱƅᄳΙՈඃɳ͟ ி̼Ϧ└& ř3ȷợdzϬzȯசʳ˅ 5-϶Ȗத Ոȯₓϟ ǎ4 ϶Ȗத-5 ٸ̓⏲᪑ HPLC சȌ ₕʒࡿƄ͟ I Abstract Abstract Sample preparation plays an important position in analytical chemistry. Liquid-liquid extraction is a classic sample pretreatment method. This paper introduces a novel extraction technology 4 “sugaring-out” which is based on traditional liquid-liquid extraction and studies its application. Chapter 1: mon sample preparation methods based on liquid-liquid extraction and their applications were reviewed and the principle and conditions of “sugaring-out” were summarized. Chapter 2: With addition of a monomeric sugar or a haride into an acetonitrile-water solution, the acetonitrile would be separated from water to from a new phase. The plexes with Ni2+3Co2+3Cu2+ and Hg2+ were extracted into an acetonitrile phase from aqueous by adding glucose as a phase-separation agent and determined use HPLC. This study establish a new method for detection four metal ions in same time. Chapter 3: A new method for the simultaneous determination of five anthraquinone derivatives in Xiaoerresuqing oral sol