【摘要】目的分析准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)治疗近视性屈光参差及混合性散光的临床疗效。方法 2002年8月~2007年8月在我科接受LASIK治疗的近视性屈光参差及混合性散光患者196例(300眼),根据屈光状态不同分为2组,A组:近视性屈光参差107例(170眼);B组:混合性散光89例(130眼),并对其进行回顾性分析。结果术后第1天裸眼视力即有明显提高;术后1周达到或接近术前最佳矫正视力;术后3个月时视力趋向稳定,裸眼视力与预期矫正视力符合率A组为164眼(%),B组为121眼(%)。术后3个月时实际矫正屈光度与预期矫正屈光度差值在±%%,屈光回退者两组分别为6眼(%)及4眼(%)。结论 LASIK在治疗近视性屈光参差及混合性散光中是安全、有效和可预测的。疗效的提高有赖于设备与方法的改进、手术技巧的熟练及经验的积累。 【关键词】准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术;屈光参差;混合性散光 [Abstract] Objective To analyse the curative effect of excimer laser-in-situ keratomileusis(LASIK) for myopia anisometropia and mixed The retrospective study involved 196 patients(300 eyes) with myopia anisometropia and mixed astigmatism who received LASIK treatment from August in 2002 to August in 2007 in our were divided into two groups according to preoperative diopters:Group A,107 cases (170 eyes) with myopia anisometropia and Group B,89 cases (130 eyes) with mixed Naked visual acuity had been improved clearly on the second day after surgery and arrived or approached the best corrected visual acuity of three months the visual acuity tended to coincidence rates between naked visual acuity and anticipated corrected visual acuity were % in Group A (164