学校代码10129 U D C 635 学号2010203030 天津市海河两岸滨河植物景观调查研究The Investigation and Analysis of Riverside Plant Landscape of Haihe Rieve in Tianjin申请人:王赵双学科门类:农学学科专业:园林植物与观赏园艺研究方向:园林植物应用指导教师:张鸿翎副教授论文提交日期:二〇一三年六月摘要本文以天津市海河滨河景观为研究对象,采用实地调查法对海河两岸9个桥段18个样地进行调查,调查的内容主要包括滨河区的驳岸形式、植物种类科属、频度、生活型、观赏特性等,并分析海河两岸滨河景观的现状和存在的问题。调查表明:(1)18个样地的护岸在(断面)形式上分,包含4种形式,最多的是矩形断面有8个样地,其次是矩形双层断面有6个样地,第三就是组合双层断面有4个样地,自然形断面只有1个样地,比例为8:6:4:1。(2)18个样地主要观赏植物共有82种,属于34个科60个属,而乔、灌、草分别为40、20、22,比例为2:1:。82种观赏植物在观赏特性上分,观花植物44种,观叶植物34种,观形植物18种,观果植物17种,观枝植物仅有9种,其植物景观的应用特点是:以落叶阔叶树为主,伴以常绿落叶型的自然式与规则式相结合的外貌。(3)对18个样地中乔、灌、草频度进行分析,发现乔木类出现频度较高的有国槐、银杏、白蜡、石榴、紫叶碧桃、金银木、红叶李7种,灌木类有连翘、金叶女贞、大叶黄杨、紫叶小檗4种,草本类有早熟禾、狗尾巴草、萱草3种,而只出现过1次的植物有35种。可以看出最常用的观赏植物主要集中在14种,有利于植物种类多样性的形成,并形成丰富优美的植物景观。(4)通过对天津市海河两岸滨河植物景观进行分析,发现滨河植物景观类型分为密林式植物滨河景观带、模纹花坛滨河景观带、疏林草地型植物滨河景观带三个类型。关键词:滨河植物;植物景观;调查;海河The Investigation and Analysis of Riverside Plant Landscape of Haihe Rieve in TianjinAbstractThe main subjects of study for this paper are the landscape of Haihe River in tianjin, and there is a field investigation of 18 of plots, the investigation mainly includes the form of revetment, the species, family, genus, the frequency,flowering period, the types of living , the ornamental characteristics and so on. Finally, this paper analyzed the status and problems about the landscape of waterfront of Haihe results of the study are as follows:(1)The form of revetment is four. Eight plots are the rectangular cross-section, are most, secondly, six plots are the double rectangular cross-section, again, four plots bination of double-cross-section, finally only one plot is natural cross-section. The proportion is 8:6:4:1.(2)There are 82 kinds of ornamental plants, belonging to 34 families and 60 genera, the species ofArbor layer and Shrub layer and Herb layer respectivelyare 40 to 20 and 22, the proportion is 2:1:. According to the ornamental characteristics, the floweri
天津市海河两岸滨河植物景观调查与研究 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.