源程序代码等全套设计联系QQ 695132052 各专业都有 分类号:TP393 U D C:D10621-408-(2007) 6133-0 密级:公开编号:2003214009 成都信息工程学院 学位论文 端口信息探测工具的设计与实现 论文作者姓名: 曾晋川 申请学位专业: 计算机科学与技术 申请学位类别: 工学学士 指导教师姓名(职称): 羊裔高(讲师) 论文提交日期: 2007年06月08 日 端口信息探测工具的设计与实现 摘要 端口扫描技术是一种融合了信息安全、信息科学、和计算机技术为一体的综合性技术。本系统建立在WINDOWS操作系统上,有Ping 和scan两个模块。可以探测目标主机是否开机和对目标主机的端口信息进行探测,并获取端口是否开放等信息。全文对TCP建立连接的原理,WINSOCK原理,端口扫描技术的基本原理和扫描方式都进行了比较详细的介绍。在具体的实现过程中,结合面向对象的程序设计思想,采用典型的TCP connect()扫描技术。通过本程序的实现,用户可以对一台目标主机进行端口扫描,获取端口信息。 关键词: 端口;探测;扫描 Design and Implementation of a Port Information Probe Tool Abstract Scanning technique of port is a Synthetic technique which involves information security, information science, puter technology .This system is build on the WINDOWS operate system. It has the Ping and scan modules .It can probe into whether a target host is opening and Probe into the port information of the target host, and obtain the information with whether a port is opening. The full text explain in detail with principle of the TCP connection, principle of the WINSOCK, the basic principle of the port scan and the scan method .When implementing, bine the thought of the face to object, use the typical method which is the TCP connect .Through the realization of this procedure, the user can scan the port with a target host, and obtain information. Key word: Port;Probe;Scan