THE SHANGHAI 上海瑞吉红塔大酒店 TRAINING ACTIVITY OUTLINE 培训活动纲要 Task 任务:Initial Sales Call 初次拜访 Code 序号: OH-SM-CS-D001 Objectives目的:At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to How to make initial sales call. 如何作初次拜访。 How to select the information for the initial sales call. 如何为初次拜访选择信息。 Standard标准:Refer to S&P 参照标准与程序
Resources培训器材: Handout培训资料, Flipchart白板, Method 培训方式 Training Steps 培训步骤 Time 时间 Introduction 介绍 Prepare on Flip Chart 准备白板 Contents 课程 Explain 讲解
Demonstration 演式 Show “.”(objective) 表明从此课所能学到的内容(目标
The course should be divided into three parts: 课程可分为三部份: Determine the account. 确认客户。 Select the concern information. 选择获取相关信息 How to make a appointment 如何预约 Make valid initial sales call. 拜访客户。
The purpose of learning this session is plan our sales activity, make it meaningful. 学习本结课的目的在于使我们的销售行为有计划性,有意义。 Show the steps of doing the initial sales call, and prepare each step on the flip chart. 依条讲解有关此节课的每个话题,并将每一步 10min
50min 20min Roll Play 角色扮演 Critique 评估 Summary 总结 骤展现有白板上。
The trainer presents a typical initial sales call,and t