Adarsh Patil, Centre for puting, /staff/putingAdarsh PatilCentre for putingDepartment puter ScienceUniversity College CorkCork, Irelandttp://ks and Credits to all the researchers working in the area of Grid / putingAdarsh Patil, Centre for puting, /staff/apatilWhat is Grid?There are so many definitions of Grid, everyone has their own definition. The definition of Grid is as dynamic as its resources.?Grid is a highly heterogeneous distributed system which is formed by integrating shared resources across many industrial and academic domains by accepting a usage policy.?Grid resources are?End users to Research scientists (puting)?Software – including open source, custom built and proprietary ?(Middleware / Network Enable Severs/ Problem solving Environments / Databases) (puting System).?Applications running on the resources (Service puting)?Hardware (puting)? Silicon/Metals used from PCs/Macs/Mainframes to Workstations to Clusters to Cluster of Workstations/Cluster of Clusters ?All the ponents related to Medical Science (X-ray), Astronomy (Telescope), Physics ( LHC Project)Adarsh Patil, Centre for puting, /staff/apatilProperties of Grid?puting is called High puting(HTC)/ puting/ Distributed puting/ On puting/ puting?Grid is not owned by one person. Grid cannot be built by one or by a single resource. This is to say the fact that “One can be part of the Grid”.?It is a mix of open source, proprietary software/applications/databases.?No Single System Image (SSI), all the connected resources are autonomous and independently owned. ?virtualization of underlying resources?Decentralized scheduling, administering and job management?Highly Volatile, resources join and leave the Grid at their own will and wish.?unlimited number of nodes/resources?All the resources are highly heterogeneous in nature (from silicon to applications to application services called web service)? is used as Information Highway. Grid is built on top of and is used puting/Sharing Highway Adarsh P