毕业设计说明书 汽车万向传动装置设计及有限元分析 专业机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名储玲艳 班级 B机制096 学号 0910101608 指导教师吕红明 完成日期 2013年 5 月 29 日 汽车万向传动装置设计及有限元分析 摘要:在汽车传动系统或其他系统中,经常采用万向传动装置来实现一对轴线相交且相对位置经常变化的转轴之间的动力传递。万向传动装置一般主要由万向节和传动轴组成。万向传动装置在汽车上主要应用于发动机前置后轮驱动的汽车,多轴驱动的越野汽车,转向驱动桥的半轴以及转向系统的操纵机构中。万向节是转轴与转轴之间实现变角度传递动力的基本部件,最为常用的万向节是十字轴式万向节。传动轴总成一般由传动轴及其两端焊接的花键轴和万向节叉等组成。此万向传动装置的设计参考实验室的越野车设计。本次设计中,首先简单介绍了万向传动装置的现状,技术要求和使用保养等,接着对万向传动轴的主要部件进行设计计算和校核,然后利用CAXA软件对装置制作了二维图,最后用CATIA软件进行了三维建模,并通过有限元分析得出其固有频率等数据。 关键词:万向传动装置;有限元分析;三维建模;强度校核 The design of automotive universal transmission device and finite element analysis Abstract: In automotive transmission system or other systems, universal transmission device is often implemented a pair of intersecting axes and frequent changes in relative position of power transmission. universal transmission device is composed primarily of universal joints and drive shaft. universal transmission device is often used in engine front wheel drive cars, multi axle drive off-road vehicles, steering axle half shaft and steering control mechanism. Universal joints is the basic parts of variable angle transmission power between the hinges. monly used universal joints is cross-axle universal joints. Transmission shaft assembly is posed of drive shaft, welded at both ends of the spline shaft and universal joint fork. The design of this universal transmission device reference to the cross country vehicle in the laboratory. This design firstly introduces the status of cardan transmission, technical requirements and using maintenance. Secondly, the main parts of the universal transmission device is designed calculation and verification. Thirdly, CAXA software is used to make two dimensional figure about the device. Lastly, CATIA software is used to make three dimensional figure and access natural frequency by finite element analysis. Key words: Universal transmission device; Finite element analysis; Three-dimension modeling; Strength checking. 目录 1前言 5