Abstract inEnglish Title:A Study on Sentiment Reconstruction inTwo Chinese Versions ofWalden fromthePerspective ofTranslation Aesthetics Major:Foreign Linguistics andApplied Linguistics Name:Zhao Mingzhe Supervisor:L‘Liervlsor L1 L1 Abstract Signature: Signature: Walden written by Henry David Thoreau is amasterpiece inAmerican is a classic prose in which Thoreau conveys his reflections on lifeby making an experiment living isThoreau’S insightfulinterpretation oflifeand nature. Itis an enlightening masterpiece,which reveals the truth itspublication, scholars from both home and abroad have done many researches on itwas first translated toChinese,there have been many translated versions thesistries tomake a study on itssentiment reconstruction from the perspective of translation is astudy oftwo Chinese versions translated respectively by Xu Chi and Su Fuzhong from adifferent perspective in asystematic manlier. The soul ofprose isthesentiment is an essential element of theemphasis on vivid description and theexpression ofgenuine feelings, prose strikes an impressive impact andgenerates aprofound aesthetic translation ofprose must give fullexpression tothesentiment embodied thesis explores sentiment reconstruction inthetwo Chinese versions ofWalden with the application of translation aesthetics proposed by Liu thesis examines sentiment reconstruction on fourthemes,namely,serenity,solitude,j oy and indifference. This thesismakes adetailed and systematicanalysis bycarefully selecting examples from the two translated writer finds that the two translators both properly reproduced thesentiment of the source text,although each ofthe two versions has its course there isstillroom forimprovement intheirtranslationand needs 山西师范大学学位论文 reVlSlOn. This thesis aims toprovide anew perspective forthe study ofthe tran