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Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering
Donghua University
Email: ××***@
To whom it may concern:
I am writing this reference letter on behalf of Mr. ××. I am his graduate advisor and have known him for one and a half years, so I have the opportunity to observe closely and assess justly his work and personality. I've never hesitated to recommend him for promotion when his time came.
Mr. ×× entered my department in sep. 2013 and then he began his research quickly. From then on, we have a lot of chances to work together. His master degree work focused on industrial water treatment and reuse by advanced oxidation technology.
Mr.×× is one of the best students in my department, what impressed me most, is his working attitude and ability. He read many references and conducted a number of experiments about mineral-catalyzed Fenton-like oxidation. As a results, he could understand the main points deeply. He is very interested in the research areas and always exchanges ideas with me. Due to his efforts, he has engaged in many experiment topics as a research assistant in our group. He has currently written several high quality papers about his experiment. Judging by his performance with me, I am convinced that

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  • 页数1
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  • 上传人iris028
  • 文件大小19 KB
  • 时间2020-12-12