恬适之情:宁静的小屋-A Peaceful Cabin 宁静的小屋 【内容提示】 如果你是农村学生,你就会知道农村生活的宁静闲适; 如果你是城市的学生, 也许你去过偏 僻农村的亲戚家逗留过, 或者去自然保护区, 森林公园等地旅游过。与城市生活相比, 农村 生活要恬静得多,悠闲得多。请你写一篇短文抒发一下你对农村或偏僻地区生活的恬适之情。 【作文示范】 A Peaceful Cabi n My sister and I spe nt last Christmas Day at our aunt / s cab in ①. Although it takes only half an hour to drive there from our home. we don /1 go there very often. To me the place is like another world. It is very peaceful. My aunt owns 20 acres ② of woods with a little stream running through it. The cab in is surr oun ded by hills and the stream flows before it. The cab in is very small, maybe only half the size of a classroom, just big eno ugh for a couple to live in. Water from the stream can be used for washi ng only, because the people livi ng upstream ③ often made the water too dirty to drink. Drinking water has to be brought in from another place. There is no electricity there, and therefore oil lamps are used in the evenings. There is a small wood-bur ning stove that looks like a fireplace. We are very comfortable in the evenings with the glow ④ of the fire and the light of the oil lamps. There is no teleph one or televisio n set. No one bothers us, so we can enjoy a very quiet life. I thi nk it