An Analysis of Forrest Gump A. Setting 阿甘正传的历史背景是20世纪40年代到80年代的美国,也是美国历史上最为动荡的年代。当时,反种族歧视的民权运动,妇女解放运动以及和平反战运动风起云涌。政治暗杀事件,白宫丑闻此起彼伏。摇滚乐,吸毒等嬉皮文化也在战后一代中流行。 B. Character Forrest Gump is the leading character in this novel. He is a stupid boy with an IQ of only 75. He has several characteristics .
In Forrest Gump’s eyes, the world is not that big as most people imagine. He is not troubled by unnecessary troubles in the seemingly trouble world where trouble seems to succeed in conquering people’s bodies and minds. Forrest Gump is trouble-freed. 2. Devotion Many people only pay attention to dark colors in their life. But Forrest Gump pays attention to what his responsibility requires. For example : running. Gump is found by those play games. And then he is able to enter collage. When having the match, he just stand there without moving. It is until people call him that he starts to run hurriedly and fast and runs like the wind blows. He is stupid, but he devotes all the attention to only one thing: run! Do it and just do it. Jenny , a symbol of degeneration. She represents all the rebellious spirit of that age: drugs, parades, and wander. rebellious As a woman, Jenny refused the traditional way of life. She wants to sing in the bar when she was a student in college. She hangs out with guys and dares to bring Forrest into her dormitory. S