南京农业大学博士硕士入学考试英语试题 考生答题须知: 全部题目(包含填空、选择、图表等类型题目)答题答案必需做在考点发给答题纸上,做在本试题册上无效。请考生务必在答题纸上写清题号。 评卷时不评阅本试题册,答题如有做在本试题册上而影响成绩,后果由考生自己负责。 答题时一律使用蓝、黑色墨水笔或圆珠笔作答(画图可用铅笔),用其它笔答题不给分。 答题时不准使用涂改液等含有显著标识涂改用具。 PART I Vocabulary (15points) Section A Directions: Choose the word that is the closest synonym to the underlined word. 1. The government slated new elections in the spring, largely as a result of the public clamor. A. demand B. view C. request D. opinion 2. The most prolific writer is not necessarily the best. A. written-about B. productive C. artful D. religious 3. Imagine my vexation when they said they would come to dinner and then didn't show. A. enlightenment B. astonishment C. annoyance D. contrariness 4. Any troop of wild animals should be approached warily. A. fearlessly B. confidently C. silently D. prudently 5. There is little learning involved when one is reprimanded two or three months after the deed. A. recommended B. reproached C. recompensed D. reversed 6. Archaeologists are interested in pottery, figurines and other vestiges of ancient civilizations. A. traces B. shards C. products D. artifacts 7. Packaging is designed so as to encourage impetuous shopping. A. extravagant B. careful C. impotent D. impulsive 8. Pan of his general thrift is to be meticulous in verifying monthly expenses. A. painstaking B. dilatory C. meretricious D. gaudy 9. The jurors came to a deadlock in the defendant's trial for murder. A. a decision of guilty B. a decision to punish by electrocution C. an impasse D. an unusual verdict 10. Among the lowest of the judicial ranks, justices of the peace nevertheless frequently exercise jurisdiction over a variety of misdemeanors. A. guidance B. sovereignty C. authority D. suzerainty 11. A mist