社区妇女及妇科门诊患者宫颈癌筛查认知情况调查.doc社区妇女及妇科门诊患者宫颈癌筛查认知 情况调查 [摘要]目的调查社区妇女与妇科门诊患者对宫颈癌筛 查的认知情况,并进行对比研究。方法采用方便抽样方法, 选择社区妇女312名及笔者所在医院妇科门诊就诊的患者 224名。对调查对象进行问卷调查。结果社区妇女宫颈癌 筛查知识得分高于妇科门诊患者;在进行宫颈癌筛查的时间 间隔上,%的社区妇女可以做到每年1次,%的妇科 门诊患者可以做到每年1次;在进行宫颈癌筛查的原因上, 69. 2%的社区妇女是因为免费体检;66. 1%的妇科门诊患者是 因为身体不舒服。结论社区妇女对宫颈癌筛查的认知度要 高于妇科门诊患者,但妇科门诊患者参加宫颈癌筛查的时间 间隔要低于社区妇女,且参加宫颈癌筛查的首要原因与社区 妇女不同。 [关键词]宫颈癌;筛查;认知 [中图分类号]R737. 33 [文献标识码]B [文章编号] 1673-9701 (2012) 03-0023-02 The investigation of cervical cancer screening knowledge in community women and gynecological outpatients WU Xiaofei Department of Gynaecology, the People" s Hospital of Lin" an City in Zhejiang Province, Lin" an 311300, China [Abstract] Objective To investigate and contrast research the cervical cancer screening cognitive situation of community women and gynecological outpatients. Methods All of 312 comm unity women and 224 gynaecology clinic patients were chosen by convenience sampling method, investigation by questionnaire・ Results The cervical cancer screening knowledge scores of community women were higher than gynecology patients; in cervical cancer screening interval, % of women in the community can do 1 times a year, % of the gynecological patients can be done 1 times a year; in the cause of cervical cancer screening, 69. 2% community women because of free medical examination; 66. 1% of the gynecological patients because of physical discomfort・ Conc