Miller麻醉学关于桡动脉穿刺的操作: Percutaneous radial artery cannulation. (A) The wrist is positioned and the artery identified by palpation. (The catheter-over-needle assembly is introduced through the skin and advanced toward the artery. (C) Entry of the needle tip into the artery is identified by the flash of arterial blood in the needle hub reservoir. (D) Needle-catheter assembly is advanced at a lower angle to assure entry of the catheter tip into the vessel. (E) If blood flow continues into the needle reservoir, the catheter is advanced gently over the needle into the artery. (F) The catheter is attached to pressure monitoring tubing while maintaining proximal occlusive pressure on the artery. See text for greater detail. Salvaging arterial cannulation. (A) When blood flow into the needle reservoir ceases, the needle tip has exited the vessel lumen. (The needle tip is withdrawn several millimeters so that the catheter tip es the leading edge of the needle-catheter assembly and arterial blood flow reappears in the collection reservoir. (C) When arterial blood flow is reestablished, the catheter is advanced into the arterial lumen. Salvaging arterial cannulation (II). (A) When blood flow into the needle reservoir ceases, both the needle tip and catheter tip may have exited the vessel lumen. (The needle tip is withdrawn several millimeters so that the catheter tip es the leading edg