注射用血凝酶治疗新生儿消化道出 血临床观察 【摘要】 目的:观察血凝酶局部和全 身同时用药治疗新生儿消化道出血的疗效。 方法:诊断为消化道出血的新生儿 78例, 随机分为治疗组46例和对照组32例。治疗 组在综合治疗的基础上加用血凝酶 KU经胃 管内注入,同时用血凝酶 KU静脉推注,根 据出血情况,1〜2次/d,连用1〜3 d;对 照组加用止血敏 125 mg加入10%GS30〜50 mL静脉滴注,1次/d,连用3〜5 do结果: 治疗组总有效率为%对照组总有效率为% 两组比较差异有统计学意义;治疗组和对照 组平均止血时间(用中位数表示)分别为d 和3d。结论:血凝酶是治疗新生儿消化道 出血简单、方便、安全、有效的药物之一, 值得临床推广应用。 【关键词】 血凝酶;消化道出血;婴儿, 新生 I Abstract ] Objective:To observe and compare the clinical effects of local application and systemic administration of Reptilase on neonatal alimentary tract hemorrhage. Methods:78 neonates diagnosed neonatal alimentary tract hemorrhage were divided into two groups: the treatment group of 46 cases and the control group of 32 cases. KUreptilase were injected into the stomach in the treatment group and at the same time, in addition to the combined therapy Reptilase were injected into vein in 1 〜 3 days, qd or bid. The control group were dripped with 125 mgetamsylate dissolved into 30〜50 mL10%glucose in 3〜5 days, qd. Results: The total curative effect of the treatment group was 44/46 (%), while that of the the control group was 25/32 (%), which had significant difference (). Hematischesis time in treatment group and control group was days and 3 days respectively. Conclusions: Reptilase is one of a simple, convenient, effective medicine in treatment of neonatal alimentary tract hemorrhage. I Key words ] Reptilase; Alimentary t